www.sahga.com •Samaniego Ridge, May 25
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Samaniego Ridge, May 25

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:09 pm
by amiller
I'm planning to go up Mt. Lemmon Wednesday and try to fly the west side. Plan to leave early in the morning and do some launch clean up before conditions turn on.

give me a call if you are interested in going.

707-two three nine 0241

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 7:57 pm
by SorenTheStorm
What's the scoop on this site? I'm not familiar.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 8:39 pm
by amiller
It's a new site that’s being flown as test flights. A launch area has been identified and some cleaning done. Still need to do more work. This area is a big air site and needs to be given lots of respect when it comes to weather. This mountain can make its own weather conditions. The landing areas are far and few in between.

You are welcome to come up with me tomorrow and check it out.

Call me if you want to go.

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:14 pm
by SorenTheStorm
Thanks for the invite Andy. I'd love to check it out sometime but I'm dying for some airtime right now. Since it doesn't sound like I'd get it at Samaniego, I guess Box it is.


Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 10:28 pm
by amiller
You would have time to come up to launch early and still make it down to Box for a glassoff.

Let me know

Flight Report

Posted: Sat May 28, 2011 12:35 am
by amiller
I arrived at launch close to 8:30AM and the wind was already blowing in very light. While I done some launch clean up, I saw some down cycles and as the time passed, the up cycles got stronger and closer together. I launch close to 11:20AM. Had no problem staying up. Found the air to have very small thermals but close together. In just a few pass on the front ridge, I found a thermal that took me up above launch and behind launch. Got up to 8800ft and then went north to explore the Samaniego ridge to the north. Made it as far as Mules Ears peak and then came back to the launch area. By this time the air was defiantly getting more texture. I moved out more over Sutherland launch to see how the air was out front. It was still early in the day and the edge of lift was not far out. After boating around that area for a while, I decided to explore more to the south. Found a few thermals along the way, but they were far and few in-between. I landed at Honeywell parking lot and John showed up before I got packed to take me home. Total flight time was 2hrs and it was a lot of fun. I'm ready to do it again on the right day. :lol:

This is going to be a fantastic site to fly. The view from the air is just stunning and I had a red tail join me for one of my thermal. Its so beautiful having them join in the same thermal. :D

John W. did not fly but I had radio contact with him the hole time while he continued to work from his house. We ended up using frequency 147.495 because the 151.925 has interference from something on top of the mountain.

Thank you John W. for the retrieve.

I tried to insert the photo but I could not get it to the bottm.

<td class="row51" align="bottom"><img src="/album_pic.php?pic_id=826" border="0" vspace="10" alt="Samaniego Flight May 25 2011" title="Samaniego Flight May 25 2011"></td>