www.sahga.com •Ron's in Town
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Ron's in Town

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:59 pm
by morey
A pilot that I've flown with from Mass. is driving through the SW looking for some flying. I'm not sure if I can get off of work over the next few days, but if anyone can take him out, Ron's number is 203-671-7413.

Good talking to you this evening, however, I'm not sure that the flying conditions are going to be suitable tomorrow. Looks like strong winds (20kt) are coming through our sites, as they're all relatively high, about 6kft and up.

I posted a few good weather resource links recently here:
http://www.sahga.com/forum/viewtopic.ph ... ight=#3741

The best winds are light SW to NW. It's not looking light for tomorrow. Wednesday looks like it might be OK for Miller, as there's an easterly flow.

I'd hate to pawn you off to our bretheren to the north, but it might be flyable down low, like at Oatman Mt, which is near Gila Bend. The Phoenix crew goes there.

Probably too early to call, but thursday's looking perfect for afternoon flying at either the Mustangs or Box Canyon. (but I can't make it Thursday, only Wed). We'll see.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 7:36 am
by morey
I've looked again at the weather for today (Tuesday). We've got a front going through a bit north of here and the afternoon breezes are picking up from the NW. Base flow at launch level is looking to be in the 18kt range, but decreasing as you get towards sunset.

I'm looking at one report that has the breeze waning and it's down to 13kt at 5pm. This is typically a tad too high when coupled with thermal/glassoff lift, but all we'd need is for the weather service to be off a couple of knots and you're flying. The lower launch at Box is your only shot around here for today. The wind will be cranking through New Mexico, so I don't think you have a chance there. Might as well enjoy some SW sightseeing today. If you're driving into AZ, you might want to take a detour into Cochise Stronghold for some hiking, or drive to Bisbee and stay at the Shady Dell.

good luck and keep me posted.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:38 pm
by morey
Things aren't looking great. Strong East winds tomorrow and light East on Thursday. Too strong for Miller in a PG. Possible window thursday morning at 'A' Mountain- but you need to be a club member and your name needs to be on file with the city BEFORE you can fly there- so that may be a logistics problem.

There actually are two East facing lower sites that will be possible. One is called Wildhorse- but it takes a really good 4WD to get there- it's north of Benson. Kinda' pretty- but in the middle of nowhere. The other is called the Gravel Pit and is easy to get to and uncontrolled. It's not much of a site. It's a 30 min hike up a steep face and then boat around a knoll. the good part is you can land right back next to your car. It's South of Benson. Take Hwy 90, then make a West on Hwy 82 and it's about 5 miles. Park on the south side of the Hwy near a gate (which is locked). Hop over it and hike up the first obvious pointy knoll on your left. There's a clear enough area near the base of the outcropping at the top to lay out. Watch out for the plants we call 'shin daggers' on the hike up. They're appropriately named.

here's exactly where it is:
http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=31. ... ayer=DRG25

did I promise you regular daily glassoffs? I guess I lied.

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:59 pm
by morey
Here's your weather forecast for Thursday. In the morning, it will be good at Miller Canyon- However, to get to launch you officially need a gate key. There might be tracks to get around the gate in a 4x4- but that would be illegal.

With a PG, it's an easy 15min walk up the road. With a HG- a hard one. PGs fly off of the East or NE facing launches which are a hike down the non-drivable road to the east. HG can launch either place- but prefer the SE facing cliff launch.

In the afternoon- the Mustangs looks like it might be perfect. Light SW winds. Only for PGers (although HG's have hiked up the 900ft vert - but its' a bitch). The Mustangs is by far our easiest site. Nice wide grassy launch, big flat LZ at the base.

Launch is right here:
http://www.topozone.com/map.asp?lat=31. ... ayer=DRG25
I can give directions if needed.

It looks like this from the Parking area. The flying mountain is the obvious hill in the background. The trail works it way up the shoulder of the hill on the right and to the crotch below the top in the middle:
<IMG SRC="http://www.sahga.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=382">

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 5:10 pm
by morey
Hope things went well for you today.
It's a classic Box day tomorrow.
The road cut across the hill to the lower right is the HG launch.
<IMG SRC="http://www.sahga.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=284">

The upper PG launch looks like this (with a few more weeds) and is not seen in the pic above.

<IMG SRC="http://www.sahga.com/forum/album_pic.php?pic_id=383">

Mustang today?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 6:47 am
by Allan
Anyone interested in Mustang today? I am driving through Sonoita for my final departure from the area. Call me at 520-604-0209.


Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 7:42 am
by morey
Ron will probably be looking for someone to fly with. 203-909-2320 He's a P4 Tandem Instructor from Mass. However- my look at the weather says that Mustangs are iffy as it may be too NW. Box is a near 'sure thing' late afternoon/glassoff, but light winds down low might require a hike to the top.

Oh- Bye Allan. Sorry to see you go. uh... where you going?

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:05 am
by Allan
I am going to the Big Island of Hawaii. I don't know if I will be paragliding any more. No one has expressed any interest in my gear for sale. It was fun having this great community of friendly pilots to fly with. Goodbye everyone!

Much Lift,
Allan Reaves

My contact information will be at

Big Island

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 7:55 pm
by Fred
Allan, there are several flying sites on the Big Island. I'd take your gear so you can enjoy paradise from the air as well as from the ground and sea. Have a good safe trip! Aloha.