www.sahga.com •Flying Sat (report added)
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Flying Sat (report added)

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:44 am
by Eric
I`ll be leaving my place at 7:15.

Meet at Houghton at 0730 to 0745,give me a call on the cell if you would like to go.

Afternoon training in Sonotia around 2:30,Antelope hills. I will flag the sign with orange streamer, when I drive in.


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 10:30 am
by Dave Snyder
I up for a Miller morning. I'll meet you in the LZ at 9:00 unless anyone wants to carpool at Houghton/fwy. JLO, if you're going bring the antenna we spoke about.

Re: Flying Sat

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:15 pm
by jlowery
Eric, I'm in! I'll come over to your house early to check out that computer thing, if that's ok.

Dave, I'll carpool with you from Houghton. Is 7:45 ok? Thanks for the reminder on the antenna, I'll have it.

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:26 pm
by Dave Snyder
I'll see you at Houghton @ 7:45

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:30 pm
by Eric Tucker
I'm in.


Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2007 1:43 pm
by Dave Snyder
Belay my last. I won't be flying tomorrow.

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:56 pm
by Chuck Park
I showed up at the training hills on an exploratory trip. Had the glider and harness. Wind was easterly. I left my stuff on the truck and performed photography instead. Eric and Dave were there with students Richard Patrick(?) and Robert and his daughter. Winds were variously NE, SE, E and W, probably n and s too. When I figure out how to do it I will post a few shots.

Ok, I posted the photos in the general album

Re: Flying Sat (report)

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 1:46 pm
by jlowery
It was a day, cool with a south breeze at launch. Eric had a tandem student named Doug. Eric Tucker and I were there with our HGs and Ross Hughes came out to get reaquainted with his PG. Dave Bishop and Bob Crowley came out to observe and drive.

Ross determined early on that the winds on the PG east launch were too cross for him since he isn't especially current, so came back to give us a hand on the southeast HG launch.

I launched first around 10:30 with Ross and Dave as wire crew. I spent about 15 minutes very close to launch altitude in the light ridge lift. Eric Tucker was next, and we cruised up and down the Reefs as Eric and Doug were preparing for their flight.

By the time Eric Smith and Doug took off it was warming up and we were starting to find thermals. All three gliders got 1000 over, Doug was getting a very nice introductory flight. He ended up with a nice 45 minute flight, and really seemed to enjoy it. Eric Tucker and I finally found some bigger thermals and worked our way up over 10000 MSL (2500 over launch). We spend some time crusing around the canyon, and I finally went out over the valley to see if it was cooking there. I found some lift over the LZ and hung out for a while, finally landing after an hour 50 minutes. Eric Tucker landed shortly after for maybe an hour and a half or so.

Nothing epic, but a real pretty day for a fall flight.


Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 5:24 pm
by morey
The flying sounds OK. But I'm really sad that I missed seeing Bob Crowley.

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 7:41 pm
by Eric
It was a nice day Doug enjoyed his Tandem lesson, here is a link to the Utube clip of our launch.
The part I enjoyed most was thermaling with John and Tucker.
The best part was climbing thru John! It was brief but sweet!

We went to the training hill later and the students actually launched from the top a couple of times! Wow have I been looking forward to this day!

Don`t know how much longer I can afford to promote Hang gliding, now that the national organization has quadrupled my annual fees.
