www.sahga.com •Flying on Thursday?
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Flying on Thursday?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:11 am
by Eric
Hey SAHGA pilots want to fly Thursday?

Bishop has agreed to drive and Shane is in.
Give me a call, 520-405-3814


Re: Flying on Thursday?

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:53 am
by jlowery
Would like to, can't. :(

Have great flights,

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:22 pm
by Eric
24 April 2008 Box Canyon flight report

Dave Bishop, Eric Tucker, Shane Smith and I meet at the monument, at 1300.
Flying Box was the goal. I had a glider,T2 to check out and Tucker and Shane just wanted to fly.
Conditions at launch were NW to W 5 to 12mph.
Launched at 16:05, a couple of passes and climbed to a grand over. The winds were splitting the high ground south of launch. Picked up a thermal out in front and went OTB with it at 8K, climbed to 11,700 in it over 82 south. The thermal drifted north east over Rosemont junction.
I noticed all the activity on the back side of the mountain range, six large trucks/drill rigs up on the slopes and new buildings between there and Rosemont junction. Driving home later lights could be seen on the slopes in two locations.
Arrived at the Stones, at 8K plus worked up to 9700msl,couldn`t get any higher.
I landed at 18:20, south of the highway on Biscuit Mountain Ranch. The owner came out and gave me a cold drink and ferried my gear to the highway.
Great looking sunset thru the smoke, Big Red went down blazing!
I think I like the small T2!
Dave told me Shane waited until the winds shifted more NW and launched; just like we had discussed. He flew around for 45 minutes and landed in the meadow. Tucker launched next and soared over launch, 8K and never did make a move for the meadow eventually landing out in front. He was waiting to get higher, just like me over the Stones, I never did and he did`nt either. Aluminum was sacrificed, might be a lesson here? If you get high enough to go over the back go! It is a lot bigger field!


Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:54 pm
by Shane Smith
Congrats on the xc eric looks like you got quite the test flight! But this was my first time going over the back anywhere and it was really fun!! just the feeling of leaving the mountain was cool even though i didnt hit any lift on my way back :( haha!