www.sahga.com •Bagged some Airtime today
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Bagged some Airtime today

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 6:16 pm
by morey
I've learned that if it looks like a nice day- you just need to go. It's flyable in the northeast perhaps a few days every two weeks, and they seldom fall on weekends. So, Monday looked nice and a dozen pilots showed up at Brace Mountain.

Certainly a pretty day, with light winds and highs in the low 70's. What seemed like a good lapse rate didn't amount to much as the thermal cycles were distanced by eons of sink. Nobody managed to make it through a down cycle- so flights were short today, but pleasant for what they were.

On the bright side, after some kiting practice yesterday, I managed an excellent launch today, unlike my performance a few weeks ago. I also spent another hour or so kiting in the LZ after I landed today. The Atis2 is both more controllable as well as more agile than my Carbon, so it takes some getting used to. Also, it's quite a bit larger so the higher wind launches will continue to be a challenge for me. Today however, with 10 mph peaks, it was no problem.

Sorry I'm going to miss the meeting and the fly-in. Looks like we might stay in the northeast for a few more months. Maybe through January.

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 7:33 pm
by Shane Smith
congrats on the airtime!

i got my mission call going to guatemala! i leave october 15 so looks like i wont see you before i leave. but i will be back and eager as ever to get some air time in 2 years!

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:25 pm
by morey
la buena suerte y tiene un buen rato.