www.sahga.com •Box Saturday Jan 31st. Report Added
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Box Saturday Jan 31st. Report Added

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:34 pm
by morey
It's not looking quite as definite as of yet, but this Saturday has the potential of being a repeat of last Saturday at the Mustangs. Keep your eyes on the weather.

edit 1:
potential of light SW sustaining into the afternoon now waning. But all check the weather every 10 min for the next two days and keep you posted.

Edit 2:
Looks like the chances for Mustang this Sat are fading, the SW flow really isn't developing. On the bright side, it will be sunny and warm with light NW winds- will be fine at Box.

Edit 3:
The SW wind aloft is not strong or definite enough for it really to be a Mustang day. Let's go to Box. It will be a 'sure thing' tomorrw.

Edit 4: Saturday Morning 9am
Weather looks just great for Box Canyon. I plan on leaving town around noon.

Meeting Andy at the Basha's on Houghton at 12N. We'll be in the LZ~1pm.

What are you motorheads doing today? Fred and Ed? You gonna' be stinky or au natural?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:35 pm
by hileman
Im thinking either Box or perhaps motoring Mustangs.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 7:45 pm
by Fred
I'll check the AM update tomorrow and try and decide noise vs. silence.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 12:39 am
by amiller
When and where do you meet? I'm going to try to make it.



saturday and sunday

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 8:12 am
by imstu
What is the verdict for saturday and sunday flying? I would love to break in the new wing! After watching Morey tease me for 2 1/2 hours of continuous flight last weekend I want to fly so bad I can taste it. I have to work in the early morning each day, but can come out to play after that.

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:11 pm
by morey
Sorry. I forgot my camera today, so no youtube video. Darn- it would have been a good one. It was thermalling in lightly on the 1st knoll, annoyingly alternating between the two launches. Fred wind dummied first, into what seemed like a perfectly soarable thermal, but while he was able to hang out in front of launch while it pumped, it didn't take him skyward. When it stopped, it was a quick trip to the LZ.

Seeing the generally light conditions, Ed made a wise decision and took Jammer and Wrangler on a jaunt to the top. Andy and I assisted Stu Pearson with his first Box launch in his crispy new U-Turn Emotion. A sweet looking wing. After a less than graceful take-off into a mellow and consistent breeze, Stu was in the air pretending to be a P4. Taking tight turns close to the hill, and effectively working the marginal lift. He was a soaring machine. Andy joined him next in the sky, and they were dancing around the first knoll, making it look like so much fun I wasted no time in making it 3 in the sky. After a while, the mountain decided to take a breath. I danced right, Andy and Stu to the left, and my choice turned out to be the lucky direction, as A&S soon found themselves both succumbing to the unbearable lightness of breeze.

I circled in a 400fpm ride straight up the ridge, and got to the top about the same time that Ed took to the air. We danced a classic glass-off for the next hour, reveling in the starkly clear air, warm sun and geologic formations that surrounded us. Glancing to the NW, I could make out Newman and Picacho Peaks; to the SE past the Huachucas to Naco peak in Mexico. The total span, about 125 miles. Magnificent.

Congrats to Stu and Andy who both enjoyed their first Box Canyon flights.