www.sahga.com •Sunday PM Mustang?
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Sunday PM Mustang?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:03 pm
by hileman
60 hour ADDS forecast looks good for Mustang Sunday evening, but there's lots of time for that to change. I'm going to keep a hopeful eye on it, though.



Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 7:53 pm
by Fred
I agree it's way too far ahead to tell, but definitely worth keeping an eye on.

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 9:43 am
by lewsmith
If the wind prediction holds, it should be good for the visiting pilot, Karla (cell phone 408-569-2775). Unfortunately, I will be out of town again on Sunday. I hope you have a great flight!

Flight Report

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 9:34 pm
by Fred
Ed, Karla, Wrangler, Jammer and I all met at Mustang and started the hike up about 3:30. Conditions looked good in the LZ with a SW wind about 8-10 and puffy cumulus clouds dotting the sky. When we got to launch the wind was a bit brisk (cycles to 20) and there was a gray towering cumulus with some virga just to the east of the mountain. We slowly set up and by the time I was ready to wind dummy there were some mellower cycles about 8-12. I pulled up in what I thought was a lull and was picked straight up as soon as I spun around. However, the air was smooth, lift was widespread, though penetration was from about 0-5mph. Karla was off next followed by Ed. Takeoffs were all good, if mostly vertical, and we all enjoyed typical Mustang glass off conditions until the setting sun forced landing. We were treated to a nice sunset against the cumulus clouds to the west, and a lightning show to the south near the Mexican border. Congratulations to Karla for her first Mustang flight and first flight in glass off conditions!

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:47 am
by Whitney T
Sounds like a great day Fred! I hear Eric , JLo and Raf hosted some new fresh meat. Way to go guys recruiting.

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:57 am
by morey
The Mustangs sure do glass-off well.

Congrats on some great airtime, and the mitzvah (hebrew for 'good deed')of providing a visiting pilot some fine AZ air and scenery. The clouds must have made for some spectacular vistas.