www.sahga.com •Box, Halloween?
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Box, Halloween?

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 10:10 am
by lewsmith
I missed typed (October 21 instead of 31), on my last posting, so I am re-doing it. Is anyone interested in Box today (Halloween)? I will leave for Box shortly.I am taking my cell phone - 549-8250.

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 9:07 pm
by lewsmith
The Box glassoff on Halloween was smooth and beautiful - no goblins or other scary stuff! The wind was too light (from the SW) at the lower Knoll at 2PM, so I climbed to the top. The wind at the top shifted from W at 10 mph at 3:30 PM, to NW at 12 mph at 4:30 PM. I launched at 4:45 on the North launch and flew until sunset. I managed a no-step landing thanks to a 6 or 7 mph breeze in the LZ.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 11:12 am
by hileman
Great Lew,
Sorry to have missed that but I was committed to a ride yesterday. It did look perfect in town for Box. Last Saturday I got some good kiting in at Mustang. It was WNW and fairly gusty at the LZ which made for good practice. Did you find the problem with your wing?