www.sahga.com •Mingus Saturday?
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Mingus Saturday?

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:44 pm
by jlowery
At the moment, Saturday is looking pretty good for Mingus. According to http://www.soaringpredictor.info/flagstaff/Mingus.htm it's SE 7 at 11 AM, S 9-10 from noon to sunset. Top of lift forecast 18k.

Anyone interested in a day trip if the forecast is still looking good on Friday?

Sunday is south earlier but might still work. Monday is big northwest, not do-able.


Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2011 6:00 pm
by Eric Tucker
We're thinking about going up to Mingus on Friday morning and camping out till Saturday.


Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:07 pm
by amiller
I'm planning to go this weekend. Go up Saturday morning and come back Sunday evening. I'm thinking about trying to setup an informal fun XC task if anyone would like to give it a try.

I'm planning to meet John L. at his house at 7:00AM Saturday.

Anyone else interested, let us know.

Flying report

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 10:38 am
by jlowery
Andy and I drove up and arrived at Mingus in time for the launch window Saturday morning. There were a *lot* of hang gliders set up and paraglider pilots queued up on the PG launch. The PGs were flying as we arrived, but the HG pilots were holding back.

I was #3 off the HG launch and had a poor flight, ending up in the bailout with maybe 30 minutes. Eric Tucker also flew, and I met up with him and Raquel at the Airport. They helped me retrieve my glider from the bailout and gave me a lift back to the campground.

Andy, on the other hand, got over the back and headed northwest in hot pursuit of some other PG pilots. When they finally sunk out at Ash Fork, about 68 miles, Andy continued on past them, past Williams and something like half-way to Grand Canyon airport, for about 75 miles. Awesome flight!

After I got back to launch a huge gust front blew through, almost knocking me over as I walked up to the ramp. Sunday morning the valley was full of dust left over from the storm, all the way up to launch altitude. The consensus was that it wouldn't be as strong a day as Saturday, or as high, or as long since it was likely to OD early.

Not so many pilots on Sunday, but we did meet up with Aaron Stutz, and Terry Kowing and Sherry Brown there. Aaron was #2 off the PG launch for his first Mingus flight. He got up and soared for a while before heading out. Terry took off a bit later, and also got up, soaring back and forth along the ridge before heading out to land. I'm not sure if they landed at the airport or a small development-in-progress between the bailout and airport, but I did hear their flights went well.

I was #4 off the HG launch, and got over launch a few hundred feet, but once again failed to find the big thermal, topping out at maybe 1000 over.

Andy took off into a booming cycle as I cruised by 100' over and out far enough not to be a nuisance. He went straight up, climbing through me like a scalded cat. I turned back but arrived at the PG launch as the last of the cycle was petering out.

After a while I was headed out toward the airport, and I heard Andy talking to pilots in the 10th street LZ who were warning of a gust front. I didn't see anything near enough to be of immediate concern but was headed to the airport anyway. Andy called out that he was over the back again.

I waited out another HG and several light aircraft in a small thermal west of the airport, then landed crosswind in a northeast breeze that was crossing the runways. Once again I met up with Eric Tucker and Raquel at the airport, and once again they gave me a ride back to launch, even though this time it was out of their way since they were headed home. Thanks, guys!

I drove to pick up Andy. He had hitch-hiked back to Prescott Airport from where he landed north of Chino valley. I found him at the Circle K, and we started the drive back to Tucson.

Andy had amazing flights both days. I hope he'll write them up. Several of the local HG and PG pilots got nice XC flights, and many of us just flew around and had fun, landing at the airport or the 10th street LZ. It was a really nice weekend - I'm glad we made the trip.


Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 2:33 pm
by Eric Tucker
Me and Raquel arrived on Friday around noon. I launched around 4 pm and got above launch a few hundred feet for a little while. I then headed out and spent some time climbing in thermals, then headed out to land at the airport.

On Saturday I launched around 12:40 and couldn't maintain near the ridge and so headed out really low but caught a nice thermal which got me to about 9k. Eventually I made it much higher and got into some cloud suck over Mingus and headed up to over 13k. Not wanting to end up in the clouds I left the area. I flew for 1hr and 40min and landed at the airport.

On Sunday afternoon, I launched and got a few hundred feet above launch in a good cycle. But the lift went away and I headed out. I caught some of the house thermals and climbed up to launch altitude and down again a couple of times before heading out and landing at the airport again.

Mingus is a great place to spend the weekend. We'll be going again real soon.

A big thanks to Raquel for all she does.
