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Mingus and beyond

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:00 pm
by Eric Tucker
We're heading to Mingus tomorrow morning for a flight and then heading to Vegas and then heading to southern California for some more flying.
We may even go to The Point of the Mountain while we're at it.
We'll be back God knows when.


new cell number

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 8:17 pm
by Eric Tucker
I meant to leave my new cell phone number: 520-909-3833
The old one is no longer working.


Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:08 pm
by Eric Tucker
We went to Mingus on Sat. Aug. 6 and found the weather wasn't very good which was somewhat expected given the forecast, although one person launched and had a decent flight with about ~2k over launch. The rest of us weren't taking any chances.

So we left for Vegas for a few days and then on Mon. Aug. 8 we went to Crestline/Marshal's for 4 straight days of flying. The weather wasn't ideal with a bad inversion layer lingering. But I still managed about a 2.5 hour flight on Tuesday with some much shorter soaring flights the other days. I took 2 flights off of Crestline and 3 off of Marshal's. What a wonderful place that is to fly!

On Thursday afternoon, we left for the San Diego area and stayed at John Ryan's place until today. While there I took 4 fights off of Blossom. One of them was for about 2 hours while the others were ~30 min. The conditions were not ideal there either and never made it to El Cap.

On Sunday we went to Horse Canyon where I took another 30 min. flight. Horse Canyon faces SW and is another good place to fly. I met an HG there who'd been living in Tucson until very recently. I forget his name.

The weather on the entire trip was non-ideal but I still managed about 11 hours of air time over 10 flights. I had to do a lot of scratching during every single flight and eventually lost the battle to stay aloft in most of the flights. I don't mind the challenging conditions though. Looking forward to going back and flying El Laguna mountain (near Horse Canyon) for some XC flights. I also plan on getting my Hang 4 before going back (soon!) which will allow me to fly Torrey while I'm there.


Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 7:33 am
by jlowery
Wow, great road trip Eric. That's a lot of airtime for one trip, glad it was safe and successful.
