www.sahga.com •Weekend flying
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Weekend flying

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:23 am
by jlowery
The forecast seems to be shifting around quite a bit.

Soaring predictor and local news has the "A" at E14 today, going SE12 around 4 PM. Not sure if we'll get down there but it's possible.

Box is still forecast ok for Saturday (now SE9 morning, N7 early afternoon, SW7 evening). I'm not overly confident but still planning on taking John Theoret there to see what happens.

Sunday now looks like a Whetstones HG day, SW 20 all afternoon with a 12k top of lift. I'd like to try that as well.

524 444 8105

Breezy Weekend

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 3:06 pm
by Lane
Looks like somewhere, sometime, for someone will be flyable this weekend. I need to stay near town this weekend so I'll be keeping my eye on "A" mtn.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2012 3:56 pm
by Whitney T
Eric Smith, his student Collin and I went to PRA Saturday. I had the first tow up with Eric and it was sweet - 3000 AGL and about a 20 minute flight including the tow up. Collin had 2 tows up and really excelled at the 2nd one. Thanks to Mark Knight, Tom and Craig (hope I got your names right). Also would like to gives my thoughts to Orrin Smith and family for this sad day of Shane's passing 1 year ago. Eric and I placed a single red rose on his memorial at PRA and we really miss him.

Whetstones report

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:25 am
by jlowery
Visiting Canadian HG pilot John Theoret and I went to the Whetstones on Sunday.

The forecast was for strong (20+ mph) WSW all day, overcast partly clearing in the afternoon. It seems like the weather got there early, because it was good when we got our stuff up to launch, but by the time we were ready it was pretty weak (10 mph) and crossing right from the west.

I was first up and waited a long time for a launchable cycle. Got a wimpy one, got two passes above launch and then lost it and headed out, landing in a definitely west breeze in the bailout.

John T. waited another 30-45 minutes and got a nice cycle, maybe some outflow from the rain/snow that was starting to fall west of us or cloud suck from the now-heavy clouds over us. He got maybe 600' over, but decided not to go any higher due to concern about cloud suck and headed out to land in the LZ.

Hey, at least we didn't have to hike our crap down. Thanks to my son Sean for help with porting the gear, and for driving.
