www.sahga.com •American Cancer Soc. Hike and 3 Pilots in the air
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American Cancer Soc. Hike and 3 Pilots in the air

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:12 pm
by Lane
I'd like to thank those who participated and helped represent our club on Saturday.

It was a chilly morning as a few of us gathered in the LZ ahead of any sunlight. Getting our stuff up the hill was a breeze. There was no explaining to do and no one to check in with - just people to say "hi" to.

We put our gear under a tarp and then headed back to Pima Community College where we would join the community on our way up. On top there was Mexican food from a local restaurant and around a thousand people moving about. There was a short, five minute speech, about the event we heard on our way up to the East launch.

We probably spent close to two hours up there observing the weather and figuring out the best direction to launch. Initially, we were getting strong ESE cycles as the face of the mountain was heated. It was quite entertaining as the four different strips of flaggin we hung were all showing different wind directions. One piece was aggressively pulled straight up as it fluttered in the air for two minutes. A hawk, a thousand feet above us, showed us just how strong that thermal was.

By 11 the winds had become predominantly north. We patiently waited for the SE cycles to prevail but we ended up just waiting. Steve, a Flagstaff pilot, and now a Mesa resident, was geared up and patiently waiting for a SE cycle. We frequently considered options to the North. We thought of launching right over the A but the boulders there were big. Then another option opened up. There was a small gap with a decent slope that could be flown with a NNW wind and as we waited that became the predominant wind direction.

We had a couple tarps to lay over the problem rock areas while Steve moved his gear over. He waited for about an 8 mph wind and went for it. There was some lift out there but nothing big or strong enough to core. Steve stretched his flight as long as he could and then went to the LZ for a nice high setup.

I followed him launching into an 8 mph wind and had a similar flight.

As Terry setup the winds picked up and were breaking 12 mph. He patiently waited for something he liked and went for it. The winds were much stronger on his flight as he raced toward the LZ then turned and came in for a slow smooth landing.

Andy Miller hooked us up by relaying LZ conditions and providing some ground transport.

Great day to be at "A" Mountain.

Video of my flight:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo6V4y8Z ... e=youtu.be

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:24 pm
by tlkowing
Notes from my diary:

Sat March 3, “A” Mt Climb to Conquer Cancer walk and fly:
Up early at 5AM, meet Lane and Steve K (and his wife Elizabeth) at the LZ east of “A” Mt at 6:30. We took our three PG wings to the top and deposited them in the parking lot for later. Then drive over to the Pima Com College parking lot to meet up with the other participants: Raf and Debbie, John L, Eric S, Whitney, Lane’s friend Caroline, and many hundreds of more “A” Mt cure for cancer climbers.
At 7:30 off everyone goes walking over to “A” Mt and then “Climbing” the road to the parking lot near the top. Lunch is waiting up there and we all have a nice meal and some rest.
It’s now about 9 or 10 and we hike the PG packs to the top. Then it was a bit of a wait and see as light winds slowly shifted around from east to northeast, then north. Steve was the first to set up, first on the east side, but then switching to the north slope as the winds shifted. After awhile he got some good breeze and off he went for a mostly nice sledder down to the LZ. Lane set up next, and after a bit of a wait for good wind speed and direction, he was off and also circled around to the LZ.
My wait was a bit longer as the breeze mostly disappeared, and I para-waited quite some time with a few teaser breezes and partial inflations. Elizabeth and Caroline were great at helping me set up several times during partial wing inflations. Finally perseverance paid off and I got an acceptable breeze, a good pull-up, and off I went, for my first Top of “A” Mt flight (I had made 3 previous flights from the parking lot south ramp. Sherry even met me in the LZ in the midst of her Sat teaching duties.
Many thanks to the others who helped carry gear to the top, served as launch help and support. I believe a good time was enjoyed by all.
<img src="/album_pic.php?pic_id=848" border="0" vspace="10" alt="2012 American Cancer Society Climb the A" title="2012 American Cancer Society Climb the A">

A Mtn Saturday

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 8:45 am
by BaldEagle
You Bet Terry, a Great Time was had by All. I'm amazed how chilly it was in the LZ at 630. Hat's off to Lane for a great job organizing the whole thing. I like that photo with the SAHG emblem displayed. And thanks to Andy for the ride back up.

I'm proud to be a full member of SAHGA.

steve konves


Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:16 pm
by Whitney T
It was a great time and I enjoyed spending time with everyone for a great cause to boot! Eric, JLo and I caught the second bus down. JLo had to get straight back to work and Eric and I drove to PRA. We towed up first and had a fun, short flight. Eric's student Mathias towed up second tandem and had fun. It was his first introduction to the sport. Thanks again to Lane for doing a great job organizing our participation.

A Mt Climb

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:17 am
by Eric
I had a great time an met some new pilots!
Congradulations to several new A mt pilots.
I am glad we could get Steve signed off for the A.
Thank you Lane for organizing this years event an sponsoring Steve on his first A mt flight. This type of hands on mentoring is what makes it all work smooth!
Thanks for representing SAHGA in flying on this special day!
