www.sahga.com •OATMAN FLY-IN MAR 24-25!
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Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:16 pm
by Merle
Check out the AZHPA forum for details!

Oatman fly-in

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:25 pm
by jlowery
I'm interested if the forecast looks good. Orrin Smith say's he's interested. Rafael, Eric T, any interest? Anyone else?

I could do it as a day trip or as one or two nights camping.


Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:51 pm
by chicken hawk
I'm in if the wind god's cooperate.

Forecast is looking good so far

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:33 pm
by jlowery
The forecast for this coming weekend is looking good so far. See http://www.soaringpredictor.info/phoenix/Oatman_Mt.htm and http://www.azhpa.org/azhpa_forum/viewforum.php?f=50.

I'm thinking about a multi-day trip, maybe Friday morning through Sunday afternoon. I'm flexible, however, and willing to drive so if anyone is looking to ride-share but can't do three days get in touch.

Oatman is about 145 miles from my house, maybe a 2.5 hour drive with a quick stop in Gila Bend.

520 444 8105

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:43 pm
by jason otto
Hey, the Phoenix boys say it's going to be good for the Oatman fly in. I have tomorrow [Friday] off. and will be leaving early to try to fly in the afternoon. Anybody want to caravan? Jason

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:49 pm
by chicken hawk
thanks for the offer Jason. Debbie can't get off fri. So were heading up sat. morning. See u there.

Oatman report

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:28 am
by jlowery
I threw on with Rafael and Debbie for the trip from Tucson to Oatman on Saturday morning. We met up with Orrin Smith and Taylor at the Petroglyphs just before we got there, and we found Jason Otto there with Kimba, they drove up Friday morning. Nice Tucson contingent.

Jason said that several pilots flew on Friday, and that they had had a nice glassoff. There were flights up to 8800 msl!

Saturday started out light under a thin overcast, and Orrin and I went early. A PG pilot had sunk out earlier, but we were thinking it looked better now. We sunk out in the light stuff, and everyone else on launch elected to wait a bit longer.While we drove back up (thanks, Taylor!) the other pilots were finding better conditions, with several pilots soaring. By the time Orrin and I were set back up, though, the winds were getting light and going west. About seven gliders and pilots appeared to be stuck on launch. After a half hour or so we got a little in cycle, and Orrin bailed off with me close behind. At least we wouldn't have to pack up and drive down! We scratched, finally Orrin headed out to land. I was just a little higher but was still in the air when the glassoff started, finding myself climbing again.

As I slowly climbed through launch altitude the remaining pilots were taking off, and soon we had six gliders cruising the ridge. I flew around for 30 minutes and then decided I didn't want to be landing when everyone else was trying to, so I headed out. The rest of the flying crew soared kept soaring, some until dark forced them to land.

After a great barbeque, while others drank and talked late I headed for the tent and crashed. Slept like a rock. It's late in the season and it was a little warm (low 90s) during the day, but the night time camping weather was perfect, low 60s. In the morning we woke to huge breakfast burritos and orange juice. I'll have to diet if I keep going to these things!

Orrin and Taylor had to head for home Saturday night, Sunday is Orrin's birthday. Happy Birthday, old timer!

The NWS forecast for Sunday was 11-13 at 11 AM becoming 25-35 by 3 PM, so Raf, Debbie and I headed up to launch early. The three of us had the place to ourselves, and as we set up the winds forecast matched up with the weather exactly. At 11 AM it started blowing straight in 10-15. Bad Randy and Scott were just arriving with their gear as we took off. Raf was off first and immediately popped up 100 or so over launch. I followed and we soared the ridge and worked gentle little thermals under a pretty solid overcast. We hung out long enough to see maybe 8 more gliders set up on launch. Raf went out and landed for a half hour, I hung on a little longer but a big 10-minute flush cycle finally claimed me and I landed for 45 minutes.

Afte the big flush went through, the rest of the gliders on launch bailed off and soared around. A few brave souls were still flying as Raf, Debbie and I drove away for the trip back to Tucson. Within a few miles the wind was whipping up some serious dust, I hope those last few guys landed and got their gliders packed up safely before it hit.

Once again the AZHPA hosts a fantastic event. I hope they continue to do the Oatman fly-in as an "official" fly-in. It was great. Thanks to Kris Thomsen, Nicole and everyone else who worked hard to make it a perfect fly-in.


Oatman video

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 2:40 pm
by jlowery
Greg Porter posted a nice video of the Oatman Fly-in, Friday and Saturday. Check it out...
