www.sahga.com •Early heads up for Sunday
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Early heads up for Sunday

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:04 pm
by Gunter
It looks like it could be a Box day on Sunday if the rains hold off. I'll keep you posted on my plans. Gunter

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:26 am
by Gunter
Well, it's 8:30am Sunday morning. A few clouds over Green Valley, no winds yet. Box presently has a layer of clouds at 6000 ft. They say possible showers somewhere in GV around 2pm. Winds look good 7-8 mph SW from 11 am - 4pm. I'll probably will plan to be in the LZ at 11am. It will feel good just to get out. Call me if you want a later update of what it looks like out here. 520-906-0182. Gunter