Early Call for Sat Dec 9th- Mustangs

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Early Call for Sat Dec 9th- Mustangs

Post by morey » Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:21 pm

Looks like the positioning and strength of the storm predicted to roll in on Sunday will give is light SW winds on Saturday. Could be perfect for an aftenoon glass-off at the Mustangs.

Of course- 75 hrs is a long way off to predict winds- but we'll see.
Vamos haber.

As of Thursday afternoon- 50 hrs to go, still looks perfect for the Mustangs on Saturday. All PG pilots looking for a nice safe place to fly- this is your chance.

Great Ed. I'm now (Friday Afternoon) looking at more than one forecast- and it's more mixed. Some saying SW others NW- but both light. So- it will definately be good at Box and possibly good at Mustangs- which is always worth flying if we have the chance. A welcome change after a few days of strong E winds.
Last edited by morey on Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by hileman » Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:48 pm

Friday PM, it's still looking good for Mustang or Box. I'm tentatively planning on it.

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Mustang Saturday

Post by Fred » Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:44 pm

I've got several potential scheduling conflicts for tomorrow, but I could be convinced to cancel them if Mustang looks good tomorrow. I'll check the weather in the AM.

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Post by morey » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:35 am

looks perfect for the Mustangs today.
Might even be able to get a few grand over- as the inversion will be about 9Kft.

the line of clouds is clear just west of Tucson and is moving to the NE. we should be much clearer this afternoon
Last edited by morey on Sat Dec 09, 2006 11:26 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Saturday Update

Post by Fred » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:30 am

The wind prediction does look good for Mustang, though FSL has increased its speeds from the prediction earlier this morning. However, the cloud cover could shut down thermal and glassoff heating. If I didn't have competing obligations I'd say go for it, but I'd probably take the motor as an insurance policy.

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Post by hileman » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:59 am

I'm planning on be at Mustang LZ by 2-3. Will have radio monitoring 151.925

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Post by morey » Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:25 pm

I've looked at dozen weather forecasts- and it looks perfect for the 'stangs. The sky has cleared- perfect light SW, nice lapse rate- it's even the perfect temperature for flying.

Where the heck is everyone today? Jeremy? Charlie? Dennis? Mark? Ross? Scott? I miss you!

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Mustang Report

Post by Fred » Sat Dec 09, 2006 9:33 pm

Morey and I got to the LZ around 2:30. The wind was SW about 8-10 with some stronger gusts. Thinking it could get blown out I opted to set up the noise maker while Morey hiked up. About the time I was ready to lay out my canopy the wind died. It stayed that way for about 15 minutes and then started blowing at about 2-3 from the south. Since I was set up down the dirt road to the west I watched it for awhile while it slowly picked up speed. It eventually went SSW at about 5-10 so I took a cycle and got in the air about 3:30. As I was climbing out Ed, his friend Matt, and Wrangler and Jammer arrived. I took a fairly nice cylce up to launch to find Morey in the process of setting up. I soared fairly easily for awhile until just after Morey launched when it once again got light. Morey scratched above and below launch for about 10-15 minutes until the glassoff really kicked in at about 4:20. After that it was abundant lift until sunset. Ed got up to launch after Morey was airborne and took off to join us in the glassoff. We all hung out enjoying the views until the sun went down. It ended up being a fairly classic and quite mellow Mustang glassoff. I think it was also Ed's first soaring flight in about 2 years - welcome back!

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Post by morey » Sat Dec 09, 2006 10:34 pm

One thing that you didn't mention was that Gunter dropped by to watch. Unfortunately- he arrived after I was up on launch and left before I landed- so I didn't get to actually see him in person- only in spirit (if spirits talk on 151.925 and start all seances with WPRY420.)

For those that didn't bother to venture out today, it was a classic, perfect Mustang glassoff. I just love the views from that place!

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