my weekend at the craters

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Shane Smith
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my weekend at the craters

Post by Shane Smith » Mon Nov 05, 2007 7:46 pm

Me and my dad (orrin Smith) made a trip up to the craters this last weekend to get some of my firts high altitude flights in!

We got out to merriam by 8 am saturday and it was blowing up the north face a steady ten miles an hour. i hurried up and set up and did a good preflight on a pretty well used, slightly abused, but still flyable 195 falcon that i had just bought off of Chris Thompson. Threw on my Z5 harness which i also snaged off of Chris and walked up to launch. Conditions were the same so i hooked in and did a hang Check. yelled a loud " CLEAR" Walk jog run and i was in the air!! I grew up my whole life watching my dad fly and always saying to myself i would one day join him in the air, and there i was flying! the Flight plan was do some 180s out in front of launch and land at the north west lz at the bottom of merrium. followed the flight plan and slowly sunk out and had a nice landing. threw the glider on my dads truck still asembled and did it again! i did that 4 times till the wind direction switched coming up the east side of merriam in light cycles. My new flight plan was to fly over the spine where the road comes up the hill look for any little bubbles of lift and head out to the lz with plenty of altitude make a good approach and land. so I had a excellent launch in a light cycle and flew out over the road hit no lift and head out to the LZ. On my way out my dads back up Mast Air Vario started cherping!! I counted to 4 and it was still going so i turned and made a full circle in lift and before i knew it i was back up levle with launch! I played around there for quite a while and cought several thermals and started to sink out. I headed out to the LZ unzipped made a good approach with plenty of speed and had a nice landing to cap off my first soaring flight which lasted 40 minutes!! after that i had 2 more extended sled rides down to the LZ for a total of seven flights about 1 hour 10 minutes of airtime!!

Cant wait to get back in the air and fly miller saturday!!

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Re: my weekend at the craters

Post by jlowery » Mon Nov 05, 2007 9:11 pm

A chip off the old block - another natural pilot!

Congratulations on a great first thermal flight, Shane. I'm really looking forward to seeing you sky out over Miller.


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Post by morey » Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:14 am

Looks like all those years of driving nd sitting on the sidelines have finally paid off. Congratulations Shane, and welcome to the world of soaring. It's in your blood.

It will be nice to have a club member that's not receiving the AARP magazine.

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Post by Eric » Tue Nov 06, 2007 6:34 am

Good job Shane.
I like the focus on, launches, approachs and safe landings. I know soaring is the real thrill!
Your definitly the head of the class now!


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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Tue Nov 06, 2007 9:39 am

Thank you for the replys! cant wait to see you guys at miler this weekend!

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Post by Eric » Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:40 pm

Miller won`t happen this weekend.
Tomorrow, yes,even Thursday. Friday it goes SW,Sat for sure probably even Monday.


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Post by morey » Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:55 am

Yup. big low pressure moving in- so we'll have strong SW winds this weekend. Won't be a Miller day, but could be perfect for the Whetstones!

Friday afternoon might be a perfect glassoff at the Mustangs for the PG types as well. It's still 2 and 3 days away- so really too early to tell for sure.

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