Mustang Possibility: ***Changed to Tuesday***

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Mustang Possibility: ***Changed to Tuesday***

Post by morey » Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:30 am

I've got a new Demo wing (Nova Rookie) that I just NEEEED to fly. Can't get out today, but it's possible that Monday or Tuesday afternoon might be good for the Mustangs. I'll be watching the weather and willing to ditch work for a few hours in the afternoon.

Would love some company. I'll keep watching the weather and posting.

On a separate subject- It may be soarable this morning at 'A' Mountain. However those of you who are new pilots to the area need to sign the special 'A' mountain waiver, get it into Eric, get on the list and get an 'A' Mountain card.

Fred's right. the 'A' is a lousy site- but it's still a flying site. and it's close to town. We work hard keeping it open as it's a city park, so it behooves us to fly there as much as possible. I know some HG pilots went out today Randy and Mark went to the A today. They claimed the weather was perfect and it would have been eminently soarable. The bad news is that there was a lot of active construction equipment in the LZ so they were unable to fly.
Last edited by morey on Mon Dec 17, 2007 10:24 am, edited 3 times in total.


Post by Guido » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:55 am

Thanks for the info Morey and congratulations to your new wing; what I heard it is supposed to be a really good one. I also purchased a 2 year old demo wing: Gradient Delite and I'm also very happy with it...Unfortunately I most likely cannot join you during weekdays, I have to be at least reachable on my cellphone the whole day till 4 p.m. As far as I know, Mustang area has no cellphone coverage and one of us is on vacation, so I have to cover him....

I have downloaded the waiver and will try to contact Eric to sign it. However, it would be better that Eric or s.o. else shows us the site, where to launch, where to land, no go areas etc.....

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Post by Fred » Sun Dec 16, 2007 11:34 am

Morey, I could be coerced into going with you if Mustang looks flyable.

Guido, A-Mountain is an awful site for paragliders. Typically it starts to get soarable just as it's getting blown out. There is also no good paragliding launch area that doesn't tear up your equipment: broken glass, sharp rocks, oil, grease. Mostly it's flown by the hang gliders, but we'd be happy to show you what it looks like and you can decide whether you want to try and fly it.

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Post by morey » Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:50 pm

As of 9:30pm Sunday, all the models are looking good for the Mustangs tomorrow.

My stuffs in the car and I'll be ready to play hooky tomorrow afternoon.

Will check weather in the am of course.

We owe it to all those folks in the northeast to fly in our beautiful 60 degree sunny weather over magnificent scenery.

Update Monday Morning: Looks marginally blown out for today. However- Tuesday is also looking SW so we're hoping for just a couple kts lighter. Post or call if you wanna join us. 404-4052

Monday 3pm update. Tuesday is looking 'iffy'. Still watching.
Last edited by morey on Mon Dec 17, 2007 2:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Monday Update

Post by Fred » Mon Dec 17, 2007 8:31 am

As of this morning it looks like it will probably be blown out at Mustang if the forecast is correct, though it could be perfect conditions for hiking the Falcon to launch.

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Post by morey » Tue Dec 18, 2007 7:27 am

As of 7am,it's looking similar today (tuesday) as yesterday. Soundings FSL is calling for 12-14kts at 6kft.

However- I think that velocity yesterday wasn't realized. Will keep watching.

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Post by hileman » Tue Dec 18, 2007 9:52 am

If you go, I hope it's flyable: I was thinking of skipping out of work today and join you, but the FSL isn't encouraging, so I'll wait for another day.
Good Luck - Ed

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Post by morey » Tue Dec 18, 2007 11:19 am

Fred and I are going to make a go of it today.
We're heading out of town about 1pm to try and get there a little on the early side. Current 3pm soundings at Ft. Huachuca are calling for 9kts at 6kft from the SW. So, that should be perfect.

The weather forecast was right-on today. Conditions couldn't have been more perfect. We got to launch about 3pm and the thermals started rolling in about then. By 3:30 it was clearly soarable yet not too strong. We boated around in the warm sunny conditions and fully enjoyed the views. Oh, and I test flew the Nova Rookie. I'm not experienced enough to give a review, but suffice it to say that it was a very easy wing to fly.

Fred was still higher than me most of the time- so clearly skill is more important than wing performance. We did a glide off, and the Rookie had a noticeably faster trim than Fred's 7 year-old ProDesign Effect, and probably a bit better glide, but the variation in the air was greater than the difference in glide ratio..

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