Saturday Flying

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Saturday Flying

Post by Fred » Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:30 pm

Saturday is looking like it may be blown out for the bag wings (could be a Whetsone day?). I won't be able to check the evening update, but I'll check the weather in the morning to see what the weekend brings.


15 min at the Mustangs

Post by rickdami » Fri Feb 01, 2008 7:38 pm

I went to the Caves today, it was very windy in the morning.

On the way back I decided to explore the Mustang site. What the hxxk I might as well climb it and check it out, I said to myself.

So I did. I was very tired, and took a mini-nap on top, waiting for the wind to come down a bit. It did, a hawk launched, and I followed. I found the smoothest air ever, and ridge lift in the bowl to the north. I could have stayed longer, but I did not have too much altitude (just the top of the knoll) and thought it would be nice to ace a landing next to the mustang (the rental).

Nice little flight and views that only AZ can offer with a high pressure sky and a wonderful sunset.

I keep my fingers crossed for tomorrow
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Post by morey » Fri Feb 01, 2008 10:48 pm

Looking like a Whetstones day tomorrow. I'll be breaking out the stiffie.

Anybody game for the stones today? Looks perfect.
Last edited by morey on Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Morning Update

Post by Fred » Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:47 am

The morning update looks strong WSW. The options would appear to be Whetstones with the stiffie or non-flying activities.

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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:19 am

me, my dad, eric and some of his stiudent were planning on going to the stones. we are leaving early to clean out the short lz. Hope to see you guys there any questions you can call at 520 490 6033

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Post by Fred » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:47 am

Morey, Rick and I are meeting at Houghton / Broadway at 11:30 to head out to the stones. Hopefully the weather forecast will be more accurate this weekend than last.

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Post by morey » Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:12 pm

When Fred, Rick and I pulled up to the Stones at 1:15, Orrin was already soarin. Shane launched afterwards and Eric was in the sky by about 2pm. It looked like they all had good, safe flights. I was set up and ready to fly by 2:30, but it was getting pretty gusty, with peaks over 25. Fred wisely broke down his falcon, while I let my wing get battered by the winds for a couple hours.

Eric reported winds at 10Kft to be about 30. Which means that the winds aloft forecast was right today, and Eric was wise to bring a topless blade wing. He also reported that when he landed he was piked over the bar into a 25kt wind in the LZ. Fortunately, after 3:30 we did notice a bit of mellowing and I was in the air before 4pm. I had a good straight launch with ample airspeed, but hit the down edge of a thermal that slapped me from 15ft to 5ft AGL, before it lifted me briskly away from launch.

After that bit of excitement- a typical 'Stones day. Boating around over the peaks in smooth air intermixed with windy thermals. After 4:45 or so the winds aloft abated a few kts so that I could do more 360's and follow some lift above 9kft...where it once again became too strong to do more 360's.

A sweet day.

Here's my landing. Hardly a good one, but that drive to land right next to the camera overrode my drive to have ideal flair timing.
Last edited by morey on Tue Feb 05, 2008 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Eric » Sun Feb 03, 2008 8:31 am

Groundhogs Day 2008
( Yes I did see my shadow, it was very small)
Rickand ,Rafeal and I went to the Stones early to clear the bailout LZ.
We got started by 0945 and finished up with Orrin and Shanes help around 1130.
The wind conditions picked up early and the boys helped me get the beast( large Fusion,82 lb`s!!) to launch.
Orrin launched first and hit pretty much the same style air you reported, Morey. He dipped on launch, cleared everthing safely.
Shane had an aggressive launch in lighter conditions and worked the lift well to gain altitude quickly. He soared around for a about half an hour and then went down and landed. We had talked about the conditions possible picking up. Morey had tipped us off to increasing winds, he radioed from Sonotia. The point is ,Shane made the decision to land when , he could have continued to soar. I am impressed that he made this good judgement call.
I wish I had been in the air with all of you. None the less thanks for coming out to fly on my birthday. Special thanks to Rafeal and Rick , for their help,with out which, this seasoned HG pilot could not have dragged the mighty Fusion to launch.
Your Flight Director
FYI:Shane and I cleared the worst of the brush from the Box LZ last weekend. More work is needed


rebars and more

Post by rickdami » Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:13 pm

IT was nice for as long it lasted...
quite a shock to wake up to a snow shower this morning after the warm AZ sun. It was good seeing old friends. Thanks as usual for hospitality, and special thanks to Gunter. Keep in touch.

As an aside note: did you guys note the line of rebars near (east of and parallel to the road) the LZ at whetstone? THey are kind of hidden in the tall grass, have some orange paint on top;
so perhaps you know about it, but thought I would bring this up. If you go work on the LZ perhaps trimming grass and making them more visible would not hurt.



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Post by Eric » Tue Feb 05, 2008 7:13 am

The rebar post are left over from the perimeter electric fence. They are located very near the raven, on the east border of the LZ.
I`ll get permission to remove them, and or install rebar plastic caps and flag them.
Thanks for the heads up.
Glad to see you had a nice flight on the 1st! Hope you have a safe trip home.


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