Saturday flying report

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Shane Smith
Joined:Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:28 pm
Location:Tucson AZ
Saturday flying report

Post by Shane Smith » Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:18 pm

Eric, Preston, rick, rafiel, and I went to the training hill and logged some lanches and landings while eric cleaned out the bottom of the training hill. It acctually looks like a place to land now! Justin Showed up with his pulse to brush up on some launching and landings ( He is getting into the whole powered harness thing) And while we were searching for justins"lost" keys and cell phone Jason and randy showed up to play around with a falcon. After a hour or so of searching we found his lost keys in his harness. haha. After a succesfull Morning at the training hill we got a bite to eat and Met my Dad in the back Meadows to go fly box. We got to launch at about 3:30 It was blowing in about 5-10 me Eric and my dad quickly set up. By the time we were all ready to go it had died to about 3-8 and was crossing from the north. I launched first in a light cycle worked some lift and sunk out for about ten minutes. My dad launched second and mannaged to get up above the paraglider launched and boated around for an hour and fifteen minutes (I guess i still got a lot to learn from the old man! haha) Eric launched last but missed whatever little lift my dad managed to get up in and scraped around for about ten minutes and landed.

Good times had by all! wish more were there to enjoy!

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