Box Saturday report

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Box Saturday report

Post by jlowery » Sun Mar 09, 2008 11:53 am

It didn't look promising in the morning, a solid high overcast. But the Weather Channel promised clearing in the afternoon, and I heard Orrin and Shane were going to be clearing a southwest approach in the Box LZ, so I loaded up the glider and headed out early.

Orrin, Shane, visiting PG pilot Paul and I worked about 3 hours clearing a southwest approach on the breakdown area side of the shallow arroyoz. It's not quite done but it could be used now if necessary. Just watch for those stumps and the few remaining barrel cactus.

Eric and Rafael had hiked to the top PG launch where they left a Falcon last week. They set it up and launched Rafael off in brisk northwest conditions for his first high altitude flight. It was apparently smooth and bouyant. Rafael did great in flight, got to the LZ with *lots* of altitude and did figure 8's to get down to a reasonable approach altitude, landing smack in the middle of the box LZ for about a 10 minute flight. Great first flight, Rafael - congratulations.

After we got Rafael packed up we all got into Orrin's truck and headed up to launch. We got there to find it blowing in moderately under sunny skies. Eric was already set up with Dave Bishop and Rafael's friend Debbie assisting, and By 3 PM everyone was ready to go.

Eric went off first in a nice cycle and immediately got up over launch. He got to maybe 6.5-7k and then headed over to the PG launch, where he reported it was blowing fairly strong southwest and that there was some turbulence.

Perhaps a 20 minutes after Eric went it was Shane's turn. He had his usual supurb launch and also immediately got up. Orrin followed shortly after, great launch and got to 7k over the HG launch and remained there in glass-smooth lift, since Eric was still reporting turblence on PG ridge.

Shane was still soaring over the HG launch but got a little spooked when Eric remarked on the radio that he shouldn't be in the air in a southwest, so he flew down along the north spine (as Orrin had briefed him) finding little bumps of lift along the way, and had a good landing in the front LZ.

I was last, got up almost to where Orrin was over the HG launch, and then headed over to the PG launch since I wanted to land in the front LZ where my truck was, and I had the altitude to clear the ridge even if it was still strong southwest.

By the time I got there, though, it was west maybe 10-12 according to the wind sock, and the wind was splitting the ridge. It was textured, as it usually is with that direction, but not bad. Eric and I buzzed around the top PG launch, never getting very high.

I headed out to the LZ after a half-hour, Eric and Orrin hung out by the PG launch for another 45 minutes or so. Finally Orrin came in to land, and Eric followed 15 minutes later. Orrin got 1:17, Eric probably got 2 hours. No one got above 7500 feet as far as I know.

It was a nice day. Special thanks to Paul and Dave for driving, and congratulations again to Rafael for his first altitude flight.

Last edited by jlowery on Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:28 pm

Yes Congats Rafeal!! all the hard work at the training hill finally paying off!!

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Eagle of the Month

Post by Fred » Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:16 pm

Congratulations Rafael! Sounds like a shoo-in for Eagle of the Month.

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