How about Miller? (3/22/08)

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How about Miller? (3/22/08)

Post by jlowery » Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:36 am

Morey's right, it's definitely NW later in the day, but ADDS has 6000' winds aloft 5-10 NE at 11 AM. Miller could be good.

High pressure, of course, but Dr. Jack thinks top of lift is ~14000 and -3 is ~12000. If the thermals are workable it could be a big day.

And we who don't mind Box could always fall back there in the afternoon if disappointed by Miller.


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Post by Eric » Fri Mar 21, 2008 11:20 am

I`ll be going to Miller in the morning ,primarily due to students.

I plan on leaving early.
Orrin intends to be in the Miller LZ by 0930.
Second flight should be the best, if not we will fly Box in the late afternoon.


Eric Tucker

Post by Eric Tucker » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:18 pm

I plan on going to Miller early as well.
Who can I go with and when/where should we meet up?
I had the reverse in my truck fixed so I can drive if anyone needs me to.


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Post by morey » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:28 pm

I'll check winds this evening. However ADDS, while calling NE at 6K, is 8-12kts NW at 9Kft. Would certainly prefer to fly Miller if possible.
Having javascript problems and cannot view soundings FSL for tomorrow.

Eric Tucker

Post by Eric Tucker » Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:16 pm

Sunday looks so much better for Miller.
If anyone out there would rather fly on Sunday, I'd be up for it.


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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:34 pm

Me and my dad will be heading out to miller in the morning. if anyone wants to throw on and ride with us your more than welcome! You can meet us at the monument right off Exit 281 arround 8:15 . If you want a ride post or call so we dont leave without you

490 6033

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Forecast update

Post by Fred » Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:45 pm

The evening updated winds aloft forecast is basically NW all day Saturday. It really looks like a Box day, though it may be too strong for the bag wings. I'll check the updated forecast in the AM.

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Post by morey » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:50 pm

OK. If everyone's going to Miller- I'm there.
Winds are being called for light NW about 5kts at launch level. The reef heating should be able to overcome that velocity.

Stiffie's on the roof. I Plan on being at hougton or Rt 83 at 8:15. Will call in the morning to either load on with others or provide transportation.

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How did it go?

Post by jlowery » Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:42 pm

Did anyone get to fly?

Unfortunately I had to bail out on short notice due to family issues.


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Post by morey » Mon Mar 24, 2008 1:10 pm

It was light from the NW as predicted. When we got to the LZ, Eric was already on the NE launch reporting it blowing 6-8 from the NW. As we had driven there, I voted for driving up, and hoping that the blaring sun would have no choice but to heat up the rocks sufficiently to provide launch conditions off the SE launch.

Conditions not being suitable for Rafael to launch, Eric punched off in a Falcon from the NE ramp and took a short flight. Observers from launch indicated that he did fly through some lift on the way out. Orrin and I set up on the SE launch in hopes that some thermals would be sufficient to overcome the prevailing. Wind at the SE launch persisted to be from the NNE, which was mostly 90 cross, and sometimes 135 cross (i.e. down, from the back left).

I'm still not sure why, but no thermals ever really rolled up the SE face, despite the quite powerful solar heating being felt. Orrin stood on launch for 45 minutes, before we noticed a number of swifts dancing before us and rising in the canyon, plus, an unkindness* of ravens rising over the point. Just enough air puffed up for it not to be blowing down, and Orrin had good launch, diving at first, doing an aggressive turn back into the hill and nabbing a bumpy thermal which quickly lifted him to 9Kft.

I stood eagerly on launch next, but every time there was enough thermal activity for it to deflect the prevailing down air to zero for 10 seconds, a gust from the rear quickly followed. No swifts were dancing nor ravens playing before me any more. Things had changed. A more aggressive and confident pilot might have taken a light 80 degree cross wind, but I knew that I didn't want to chance a launch that I could get away with only 99 times out of 100. That, coupled with Orrin fairly quickly sinking out made it that less enticing. I gave it 30 minutes, but the definitiveness of it blowing down only increased- so I packed up and drove down.

Orrin, Eric Tucker and I drove home. Shane, Allen Housel with 3 others from Phoenix, and Eric Smith with Rafe all went off to Box for the afternoon. I expect it was fine- but haven't heard a report.

*the proper term for a 'group' of ravens by some sources, however certainly archaic and unused. I'm trying to revive it. :wink:

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Post by Shane Smith » Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:57 pm

sorry about the late flight report i havent been able to get on till now.

Eric two pheonix pilots (I cant remember there names... i think bill and someone else) and I all set up and were in the air by arround 5:30. We all boated around in the northwest winds above the paraglider launch till sunset. I dont think anyone got over 6500 so we ended up landing in the front. Rafael had his glider set up on the road cut hopeing for a glass off but it blew till sunset so he sadly packed up and drove down.

This was my longest flight yet at 1 hour and 33 minutes! and also my first time flying with a little bit of air traffic! It was a lot of fun sharing the sky with some other gliders!

Cant wait till saturday!!

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Post by Eric » Wed Mar 26, 2008 5:45 pm

Bill and Bruce came down from Phoenix with Allen Housel.
Allen drove for us at Box.
The lift was good at the PG area due to a lot of North.

It was a lot of fun flying with you Shane.
Several of us were high enough to go over the back. Not all of us thou,Bruce was flying a Falcon, so we stayed together as a group and all landed out front. Every one had good landings and enjoyed them selves.
Rafeal showed good judgement not launching, when I advised him.


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Post by Shane Smith » Thu Mar 27, 2008 9:47 am

like wise Eric! whats the word for saturday?

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