Flying Saturday?

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Flying Saturday?

Post by jlowery » Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:22 am

Looks like it could be a veru good day for either Miller or Box.

Winds at 6000' look kinda L&V at 10 AM, NW 5-10 at 5 PM.

Today's Tucson soundings say top of lift is 15300, -3 at 12500. Dr. Jack is calling for slightly higher TOL tomorrow.

What's the plan?


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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:04 am

Well saturday i have to go to a funeral in the morning at 10. But if you guys were thinking about a later day at box i would be up for that. Let me know what you guys are thinkin.

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Sat flying

Post by Eric » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:15 pm

It just so happens that I am teaching Sat morning.
Dave says he will drive. He is going to give John a call to meet.
I should be done training by 1130.

So lets do Box again??

We could meet in the meadow by 1230??


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Re: Sat flying

Post by jlowery » Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:03 pm

Dave Bishop and I will meet you in the Meadows at 12:30.

We should be passing I10 & Houghton around 11:30. If anyone else wants to truck-pool from Tucson, post here or call my cell - 520 444 8105


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Post by Fred » Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:09 am

John, I'd like to jump in if there's room. I'll give you a call.

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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Sun Apr 27, 2008 4:13 pm

You guys are kilin me! how did it go? i wish i could have joined you guys.

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Flight Report

Post by Fred » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:59 pm

Dave Bishop, John and I got to the meadow about 12:15. Eric was delayed on the training hills and didn't get there until close to 2:00. As it turns out, it probably didn't matter since most of the cycles we were seeing were from the northeast. However, with the northwest prediction we headed up to launch anyway. When we arrived it appeared to be blowing in fairly well, crosssed from the north but with some straight in cycles. Having the fewest battens to stuff, I got set up first and Dave and Eric helped me on launch. After about 20 minutes with the wind consistently crossed from the right (and with me about to grow roots), I moved off and let Eric test the air. His presence must have had some effect wind gods, as it started to come in straighter. Dave wired him off about 4 PM. I then stepped back up, and with Dave and John's help was off about 5 minutes later. John didn't waste any time, and Dave wired him off about 2 minutes after I got airborne. We all ended up in the north paraglider bowl. There was plenty of lift, but the thermals were ragged and tended to fall apart about 6500'. We all hung out looking for a thermal to get us enough altitude to go over the back. Eric was the first to find one after heading out front, and he headed toward the meadow at about 7100'. John and I kept looking for something better. I finally got a thermal in front of the paraglider launch that I was able to slowly drift with and that eventually took me to 8700' for an easy flight back to the meadow. As I came over the LZ Eric touched down, unable to find anything that could keep him airborne. Being a bit higher, I was able to work some thermals that eventually topped out at about 9200'. In the meantime, John was valiantly trying to find an over the back thermal, but it was not to be. There was lots of lift and a good glassoff, but he was unable to get much above about 6500'. When Dave arrived with the truck, I landed, and Eric and I packed up hoping that John would catch the last good thermal of the day. But it soon became clear that his flight was destined to end in the front LZ. Dave headed out to pick him up, and John left the glassoff and touched down in time to pack up while there was still daylight. Many thanks to Dave for driving for us. Also, my personal thanks to Eric, John, and Dave for the adult supervision on launch, as this was my first hang glider flight at Box in almost 10 years.

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OK, you guys win a small award...

Post by KenS » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:12 pm

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