Early Saturday Nov 22nd Call- Flight Report Added

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Early Saturday Nov 22nd Call- Flight Report Added

Post by morey » Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:51 am

Hey- it's only Wednesday Morning, so predicting winds more than 3 days out is a long shot at best, but right now it's looking like light SW is a real possibility.

That means PG at the Mustangs for me.

This post will be updated as necessary as the windcast evolves.

Edit: as of Friday morning, things are still looking good for the Mustangs on Saturday afternoon. Any takers? Or aren't there any PG pilots in Tucson any more?
Last edited by morey on Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by morey » Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:52 pm

As of 2pm on Friday, the soundings predictions are up for tomorrow afternoon. Looks perfect. 6kft is about 220 at 9kts at 3pm.

It's a paragliding day at the Mustangs, which coincides with a Saturday. Now how often does THAT happen?

as of 10pm on Friday. not looking great for Miller. SSW at 14kts at launch level. iffy for Mustangs, as it's too south at 6kmsl until after 3pm. Then it's light SSW which might be good. Will check in the morning.

Edit 2:
Looks perfect for the Stangs today, early afternoon light southwest.
Last edited by morey on Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:14 am, edited 3 times in total.

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HG Miller?

Post by jlowery » Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:01 pm

The forecast is south southwest but very light, predicted 0-5. We're headed for Miller, trying to be in the LZ at 8:30.

I'll be passing Houghton and I-10 at 7:30. If anyone is interested in ride sharing, please give me a call at my cell number 520 444 8105.


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Flight Report- 22 November 2008; Mustangs

Post by morey » Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:32 pm

With a full 3 day advance notice, it's a shame that so few PG pilots came to the Mustang Mountains today, however those that did make the trek, were well rewarded with some of Southern Az's finest November PG conditions.

Warm and sunny- the wind seldom varied from blowing straight in, and the velocity stayed perfectly within the paragliding comfort zone.

3 pilots enjoyed the 'stangs; and for each it was a special day.
Fred celebrated his birthday, by enjoying over 2 hrs of thermalling and glassoffing. Lew Smith enjoyed his first soaring flight in 8-1/2 years, and I, my first flight back in the desert after spending the last six months on the right coast. I was almost missing that fresh green grass when I looked up the weather today in the Berkshires. Cloudy, with a high temp of 22F. Brrr.

2+ hours of thermalling and boating around in the glassoff while overlooking the expanse of Southern Arizona was capped off by a sunset that made the sky look as if it were on fire.


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Post by Fred » Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:03 am

I've added a few pictures of the day. Click on my album button below.

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Post by hileman » Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:31 am

If I hadn't been riding El Tour, I would have enjoyed the Mustangs with you. Fred, I'm glad you finally got the PG flight you've been waiting for. And Lew Smith, it's really great to know you in the air again! I'm really sorry to have missed this one. By the way, I thought Fred's photo of Morey over the Mustangs was terrific.

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