Mustang on Sept 15,16, and 17 afternoons

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Mustang on Sept 15,16, and 17 afternoons

Post by lewsmith » Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:32 pm

Unless I make a posting canceling my plans, I intend to be at Mustang in the afternoons of Sept. 15, 16 and maybe 17. The forecast calls for SW wind - maybe a bit strong on the 15th, about perfect on the 16th, and who knows about the 17th. My phone is 749-1296 and my cell is 549-8250.

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Sept 16 at Mustang

Post by lewsmith » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:10 am

I am going to Mustang today, Sept 16. Yesterday was close to what was predicted (they predicted 18 mph at 6000 and it was 17 at launch - and about 5 mph more at the top) TODAY LOOKS PERFECT !!

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Post by Eric » Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:42 pm

How was it Lew?

Inquiring minds want to know?
( Looked good from town!)


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Report Sept. 16

Post by lewsmith » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:48 pm

I got to the Mustang launch at 3:30 to find the SW wind mostly cycling between 10 and 15 mph - but with no wind lulls that were several minutes long. Concerned about sinking out in a lull, I waited until 4:30 before setting up. As I had hoped, the lulls ceased but the wind picked up slightly (about 12 to 16 SW). I launched in a 12 mph lull at 5 PM. Winds aloft were a bit stronger (about 16 to 20 SW) with gentle thermals. There was lift everywhere - even over the LZ and the flats in front of Mustang and Biscuit. I stayed mostly well in front of the mountain, but ,even so, flew an estimated 600 feet over the top for most of the first half of my flight. At around 5:45 a smooth glassoff kicked in and the thermals died out. I landed about 6:15 in a 5 to 10 SW breeze. It was a great day!

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Post by hileman » Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:37 pm

Thanks for posting, Lew. Sounds like all really nice flight, wish I'd been there. I'm hoping it doesn't go east on us this weekend.

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Post by Eric » Fri Sep 18, 2009 6:16 am

Congrats Lew ,Sounds like fun- sorry you had to do it alone!

Thanks for sharing


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