anyone flying tomorrow? (Report added)

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Eric Tucker
anyone flying tomorrow? (Report added)

Post by Eric Tucker » Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:17 pm

anyone flying tomorrow?

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Re: anyone flying tomorrow?

Post by jlowery » Fri Nov 13, 2009 6:10 pm

Eric Smith is doing payout towing at Houser Road in Casa Grande. I'll be up there, and I believe a few of his students will be there as well. We're leaving town around 7:30 AM.

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Flying report Sat 14 Nov 09

Post by Eric » Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:55 am

John Lowery- Davis Chappins, Clayton Abornathy, ,Rafeal,my two tandem clients and I meet at Houser road.
John & Raf pulled Dorthey Miller and I up to 1500 AGL around 10:45 we worked a light thermal for several 360`s- Dorhtey was happy with her birthday tandem! Clay flew with me next for a 1600 foot tow- Rafael and John were doing the driving/ tow teching. Nice job guys thanks!
I took a single place ride around 1pm. John finished setting up- Clay drove and Raf was teching- climbed to 1500 AGl pinned off to gain 3K! Over development drove my decision to leave! flew 5 to 6 mile away to land. The ensuing down pore soaked John and my gear. Nov storms with over development are rare ! Casa Grande sure gets muddy when it rains!
A tandem flight link below Clayton?Dorthy Miller


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