Good News

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Good News

Post by RossinAz » Mon Nov 23, 2009 9:57 pm

I spoke to Coronado Ranger station and it appears that none of the roads we use to access Box Canyon are on the decomissioned list. The bad news is they clearly marked the boundary of the proposed mine directly over the road. You can go to the web sight and check it for yourself.

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Re: Good News

Post by jlowery » Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:51 am

Thanks for checking that out, Ross.

Which web site are you referring to? Rosemont copper or Forest Service? If the latter, do you have a link?

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Post by morey » Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:28 pm

Here's the map ... rgemap.pdf

now if someone could just point out where the heck our launch is on it...

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Post by jlowery » Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:55 pm

Here ya go, right above Ruelas Springs on the topo.

<img src="/album_pic.php?pic_id=772">

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Box Canyon...Goverment SUCKS!

Post by KenS » Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:57 am

I'm pretty sure ol' John has linked us to maps showing the end of access on box due to Rosemont a long time ago. Lying forrest service whores and other US gov offices living off my tax dollars can kiss my ass. Keep us off Mt Graham roads while caving in to Rosemount is BS.

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Post by Eric » Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:38 am

Ross/John, glad to hear some one is checking on the Rosemont mine activity. I have kept most of the articles from the paper.

Sure would be nice to still have access to the launch area. Looks to me like a fence will take care of restricting our access. The Forest Service considers a road decomissioned when it is trenched like what we did to the road at Miller. That cost a bunch of money. Since the property the road is on will now be under the control of the mining company , they can chose to leave it open or put the fence right down it. The cheapest thing for them is to run a fence line on a flat terrain following area- the road it lies right on the property line.
I wonder if we could run a road up from the Berels - right from the end of the present road? What the heck everyone else is digging the place up!


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