"A" Mountain HG Tuesday?

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"A" Mountain HG Tuesday?

Post by jlowery » Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:34 pm

The 48-hour forecast has it south and ssw 10-20 on Tuesday between 10AM and 1PM. Maybe an "A" window?

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Post by Eric » Sun Dec 20, 2009 10:52 pm

That would be sweet!
Let`s keep an eye on it and go if it looks good.


Eric Tucker

Post by Eric Tucker » Mon Dec 21, 2009 5:15 pm


Is it okay if I fly A mountain if you guys go?


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Post by Eric » Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:58 pm

I need your USHGA # and a signed waiver. I have to register you with the city. We need to walk the LZ and brief you on the celing etc.

Give me a call on my cell in the morning, after 0700.



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Post by Eric » Tue Dec 22, 2009 7:01 pm

A Mt 22 Dec 10am

We met in the LZ ,Raf and I ,John was already on launch!
Conditions looked good South wind at 10 to 12- in the LZ.
I helped John launch around- 11:00am. The wind was already shifting SSW 15 to 18. He made a pass to the east and turned back at the cliff to find sink.
Raf took a look at the wind conditions SSW 18 gusting to 20 and decided he could fly another day. It was not a great time for your first A Mt flight!
I launched with Rafael`s help around 11:15. The wind was crossing SSW- but good lift. I crossed to Tumamock and got a grand over in front of the observatory. Flew a few passes back to the launch and returned to Tumamock. Had a bunch of soaring birds to fly with! The front came in and the lift got real good ! I had to work at staying under the ceiling! At one point I flew out to Cholla and 22nd street 1.5K over. Rafael folded up and once I saw him driving down I headed out to land. The thing is the lift was strong and the wind was shifting SW- I don`t like the rotor that set`s up over that LZ, in a SW! So I flew out in front to the I-19 overpass and landed in a field there. Lift most of the way!
The A sure can be FUN!!!


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