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Post by lewsmith » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:12 pm

Wyatt and I waited at the First Knoll from shortly after noon to almost 4PM. The wind was SW, then SSW, and then SW. The speed was 20 to 30 MPH wind some gusts pegging my meter (over 35). As we left there were numerous lenticular clouds. Wyatt had a speedwing in his car. He should have left the PG and used the speedwing.

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Post by Irina » Wed Dec 30, 2009 6:25 pm

It looks like that my kind of day when I hike up and down! Next time when you go please call me I will join you just for hike! :lol: Happy New Year !

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Joined:Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:42 am
Location:Tucson. Way east side

Post by morey » Wed Dec 30, 2009 9:50 pm

Impressed with your perseverance and patience.
As well as your wise decision making.

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