Flying this Weekend 05/15-16

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Joined:Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:53 pm

Post by tlkowing » Sun May 16, 2010 6:51 am

After getting winded out at Miller (but seeing the HGs all get flights), we three PG pilots decided to try our luck at Mustang. We drove to the LZ and found the wind ok, steady in from the west, so we hiked up.

Andy Miller volunteered to go first and caught a slightly energetic thermal, nicely plucked off launch and straight up a few feet, then working it up a few hundred feet before the thermals reduced and he was forced to head for the LZ.

After a bit of a wait for thermals to build again, John Wolfe went second with a nice pull up in a steady breeze and gently off. He also got good lift and after getting some altitude on the north ridge headed out to the Biscuit. It looks like the glass off was turning on.

I set up and caught a good breeze and got a few feet over and also headed north. But then got some sink and started to loose altitude as John was making a second try at the Biscuit. He started to sink a bit and also headed out to the LZ. I found a little more lift near launch, and worked it back and forth a bunch of times, staying just above launch, and occasionally over the top, for about 25 minutes. Then the wind started to slow down and I slowly worked the slopes down and also headed for the LZ.

So, a pretty good day with flights for all pilots, and finishing with a nice sunset and cold drinks for us PG pilots in the Mustang LZ. Sweet.


First Miller Flight

Post by MikeB » Sun May 16, 2010 9:35 am

Met everyone at the LZ around 0930. Morey and Eric S gave me the layout of the LZ and where i should expect to land with certain wind condition. 1000 We loaded in the car and headed up the canyon.

The 20 minute ride up seemed to have took forever as I was excited to reach the peak. Eric S and Morey shared past HG stories about flying miller on the ride up. Finally reach the peak and everyone heads over to the launch to check it out.

Eric Smith looks over the Launch.

The wind was coming in cycles of 12 to 20kts which was a little much for me. Eric S and I talked about the site and what I should expect on launch. Eric S and I decided that the wind was too strong for me but Eric S thought that it might die down a bit later on the day. So I setup the Glider in hopes that it would calm down a little.

Eric Tucker, Morey and My Glider setup on Launch.

1130 the wind was much smoother and Eric Tucker is ready to launch. Eric has a nice launch and heads out north. Seems like there is decent lift in the air.

1145 I get my harness on and head to launch. Waited for nice smooth air and cleared everyone off my wires. I ran hard and had a good launch, got into my harness and turned left along the canyon. I was expecting to find some lift along the way but my vario was silent. I pulled in to get a good glide and headed for the little mtn in front of the LZ.

Heading out to the LZ I got into a few thermals and worked them for a few minutes or so and saw Eric Tucker out past the road working something. I had good altitude and decided to head over the road and see if i could find anything to work. After scratching for a few minutes I wasnt finding anything I flew back over the LZ to setup for my landing. Wind was blowing 5-10kts out of the southeast. I setup an approach parallel to the road. Came in to the LZ hard on the bar, flared to a NO-Step landing.

Short flight but still very enjoyable:)

Thanks to Eric S and also Morey for all the advice and help.

Joined:Mon Nov 24, 2008 9:51 am

Box Saturday, May 15, Report

Post by lewsmith » Sun May 16, 2010 1:27 pm

I flew Box Saturday,May 15 because the conditions looked too strong (for my skill level) at Mustang. As I climbed, it became obvious that conditions at the first knoll would be too gusty to launch from there, so I went to the top. At 5 PM, on top, the wind was dead calm for 20 minutes or so followed by 10 minutes of over 20 mph. At 6 PM the wind smoothed out to 15 mph WSW and I set up. I launched around 6:30 and boated around on the south side of the ridge (there was sink and turbulence on the north side). Most of my flight was in very smooth air at 300 feet over launch and I arrived at the LZ at 100 feet over launch. It took me 15 minutes to get down (about 10 minutes after a beautiful sunset). Box is a great place for May and June glassoffs!

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Post by morey » Sun May 16, 2010 3:43 pm

To add to the flying stories, Jason and Randy hit the antelope training hills yesterday and wrung out their wings.

I can't remember a day where 4 separate sites were flown by 10 pilots.

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