log book

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Shane Smith
Joined:Sat Nov 03, 2007 11:28 pm
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log book

Post by Shane Smith » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:34 pm

As the year came to an end I began to look through my flight log book. I started learning how to fly about 3 years ago but took a 2 year break to serve a mission in Guatemala, so i have around 1 year of flying experiance. As i thumbed through my log book I was able to relive and remember some of my very first flights. One of my favorites was my first trip to cloud base, Eric and I cored the same thermal all the way up to the 14000 ft cloudbase. it was a special experiance to share the first ride to cloudbase with my instructor! I spent a few hours reading through my log book and it made me very greatfull I had kept a logbook or else many of those fond memories may have been lost in old age and forgetfullness.

(not counting training hill flights) I have a total of 62 flights with 25 hours.

in this coming year i hope to log many more flights and permanently engrave them in my memories.

I would like to hear some stories from some of you older and more experianced pilots log books...

Joined:Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:34 pm

Post by sorinorrin » Mon Jan 03, 2011 8:22 pm

One of the biggest mistakes and biggest regrets is that in my 3rd year of flying I got lazy and quit logging my flights. Bummer those flights are gone forever! The ones I wrote down I can still remember. This year I am starting a 2011 log book and will start writting those flights down.

Lets go flying and create some memories
once you have tasted flight you will forever walk the earth looking skyward for there you have been and there you long to return.

John Wolfe
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Post by John Wolfe » Wed Jan 12, 2011 5:50 pm

Shane, welcome back and thanks for sharing the highlights from your log book.

Like you, I took a long break in my flying, but I’ve logged every flight (and I use the word rather liberally: if my feet left the ground, no matter how briefly, it was a flight) I’ve ever made. I started flying in late 2004 and took about three years off starting in June of 2006.

At the end of last year, my first full year back in the air, I looked back in my log book for 2009 and saw 48 flights, 11 hours, 7 new sites, my first SIV clinic, my first flight outside the US, in Italy, and my first top landing.

Looking back at 2010, I see 51 flights, 21 hours, 7 new sites, my first towing over dirt, my first full stall (over water), a broken wing leading to my second reserve ride, a new wing, my first flights on a DHV 1-2, and my first X-C.

These past two years have been very instructive for me and a great deal of fun. I look forward to sharing the air with you and everyone else in 2011.

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Shane Smith
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Post by Shane Smith » Wed Jan 12, 2011 7:42 pm

Thank you for sharing john! I too look forward to sharing the air with you and other fellow sahga pilots this year.

What do you use to log your flights? Right now I'm just using a calander.. I would like to upgrade to something better but I am not sure what's the best way.

Anyone else want to share any highlights from the old log book??

John Wolfe
Joined:Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:08 pm
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Post by John Wolfe » Wed Jan 12, 2011 10:05 pm

I use an Excel spreadsheet, some of the intelligence for which I borrowed from JLo. I'll send you my template.

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Shane Smith
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Location:Tucson AZ

Post by Shane Smith » Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:16 pm

ok cool thank you!

John Wolfe
Joined:Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:08 pm
Location:Oro Valley (NW Tucson)

Post by John Wolfe » Thu Jan 13, 2011 12:20 pm

I sent an e-mail to the address under the "e-mail" button for your forum account with some spreadsheets attached. If you didn't get them, send your e-mail address to me at j_r_wolfe@msn.com.

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