Samaniego Ridge, Saturday May 21

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Samaniego Ridge, Saturday May 21

Post by amiller » Fri May 20, 2011 9:21 pm

Guido & I are going to Samaniego Ridge Saturday. Planning to meet at my house at 9:00AM. If anyone wants to join us, give me a call.

We could use a down hill driver if anyone wants to.

707- two three nine 0241

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Samienago Flight Report

Post by amiller » Sat May 21, 2011 10:04 pm

Guido and I arrive at the Samienago Launch around noon. I called on the radio for any pilots thinking John W. might be on the radio and got John L. down at Miller instead. Cycles were already coming in so we put up some streamers and got ready to lunch. I launch first and went directly out to the front of the ridge on the right and took my first thermal up to 10k. I made a run to the north while Guido launched. It took him a few minutes before he found a good thermal and I think he spent most of the rest of the day above me. We both got in about 2.5 hrs. I landed southwest from launch a little off of Oracle road and Guido landed at the hospital off of Tangerine. We could hear the Phoenix group taking about how to get around Luke Airforce base north of Buckeye. John W. picked us up and took us back to the other side of the mountain.

It was a fantastic flight, looking forward to fly the ridge again soon.


Post by Guido » Sun May 22, 2011 12:11 am

What a great flight! I really love that site: A nice walk to the launch under shady trees with a beautiful view. Launch is fairly easy and lots of thermals (at least today). At the beginning the thermals were pretty bumpy and I had problems to stay up. At 10000 ft. and later in the valley it was getting better and I could enjoy the flight.

My flight track can be seen at: ... tID=252114

I also shot some photos:
user: sahga@guih
pw: tucson

Big thanks to John for picking up and Andy for showing me the site.

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Post by jlowery » Mon May 23, 2011 12:33 pm

Nice photos, Guido. Looks like you guys had amazing flights - congratulations!


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